lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

La Rambla de Castro

Municipality: Los Realejos
Aproximate Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Height: 635 meters
Minimum Height: 199 meters
Distance: 10,1 Km

 Area Information

We are on the coast of Los Realejos, which space is protected with the Canary Law of Natural Spaces, exactly La Rambla is protected as Paraje Natural de Interés Nacional ( natural place which is important for its vegetation, history, etc)

After the conquest of the island, the zone was an important emplacement. As it has been mentioned in other publications, the lands were distributed among the people that helped in the conquest. La Rambla de Castro is not only famous for his vegetation, but also for the  buildings.

Rambla de Castro and one of the beach.

La Haciendas (big houses with lands) are the common buildings in the area, however La Hacienda de Castro is the most representative of all of them. In the place we find the hermitage dedicated to Saint San Pedro too. It was built in the 18th century and the image of the saint is a representation of baroque on the island. Finally, for the zone it is situated San Fernando's Fort, a defensive strength that was constructed at the end of the 18th century. The aim of that building was protected the coast, due to the pirates' presence that assaulted the craft that were departing from the islands.

The Water has been and still is a scarce resource on the island, due to the abundance that existed in the zone, this area was characterized for being green, with rich and fecund lands of the whole island. This area had plenty of water, for that reason it was constructed an Elevador de Agua las Gordejuela (is a machine which drove water to different parts of the island). The importance of the water did that Gordejuela's Water elevator was constructed in 1903, unfortunately it is in ruins. This machine supposed a great advance of the industry in the zone, which turned into a milestone due to the fact that it was built in a complicated zone  and for sheltering the first steam engine of the island. The aim of that construction was to use the waters of the zone, to be transported to the diverse neighborhoods of the municipality.

Elevador de Aguas la Gordejuela

The wildlife is protected. It is possible to see some endemic vegetables as the Canary Palms, tabaibal-cardonal (it is a typical vegetable formation of the island) and dragon trees. Related to the fauna of the zone, there are endemic species, the main representation are the birds, like pigeon.  

Description of the Path

The drop of the path

The path begins in San Pedro, in the vicinity of the road TF-5. The beginning of the path has cobblestones and has signposting. The entry that has a fence to forbid cars, possesses a small opening in order that the passers-by could enter. Cars can be left in the zone or it is possible to take the public transport, line 363 (from Puerto de la Cruz) .

Along the footpath we find the different vegetable species, some ponds, etc. Leaving the cobblestones it is situated La Casona de Castro, a big yellow house with yards.


Continuing walking, we can find some junction that going to the same site, but following one path or another we will see different things, but all of them have signs. One of the paths goes to the Fort, the place where it is possible to observe the coastline and the beaches of the zone.

At a quarter of the path we find a bridge that it allows to cross a ravine. Finishing the ascent  it can be appreciated the banana plantations. To go on walking, apart from seeing some houses, we will find a door, which only has the form, and a few meters a barrier. 

After that, we start to descend and we will be in the neighborhood of the Toscal-Longuera. The place where it is located El Elevador de Agua la Gordejuela,  not been possible to visit it, and there is a hermitage too. After crossing another bridge, we follow the path to the cliffs, the place where we are continuing seeing the shore of the island. On having finished this part, we come to La Romantica II which is an  urbanizations. In that part, we continue the path crossing the neighborhood. The area is composed of the typical houses of the years 60-70, which were constructed during  the boom of the tourism of masses of the zone of El Puerto de la Cruz.

Path after the second brigde

In the neighborhood there are signs that indicate the continuation of the path. After the housing estate, the path continues to the cliffs which finishes at Hotel Maritim and the resident development urbanization with the same name. In this part also it is possible to see the beach of  Los Roques (there are big rocks near to the beach). The path finishes when we come to this housing state. 

Finally it is possible to do the path of several ways. Firstly going from San Pedro to the Hotel, secondly going from the Hotel to San Pedro or doing it both directions.

La Casona de Castro

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Patrimonio Inmueble del Puerto de la Cruz

Municipio: Puerto de la Cruz


No podemos hablar de la historia del Puerto de la Cruz, sin hablar del turismo, ya que estas dos palabras van ligadas, y es el símbolo del turismo en Tenerife. Aunque existan más destinos dentro de la isla, que ver y disfrutar, es en este municipio donde se origino el destino turístico de la isla, y de las Islas Canarias. Pero antes hay que ver la historia del mismo, hasta llegar a su historia ligada el turismo.

Una vez finalizada la Conquista de la isla en 1496, se estableció la capital en La Laguna y se dividió la isla en varias zonas. La zona de Taoro correspondió a la jurisdicción de La Orotava, en cuyo litoral se ordenó construir un muelle. Corría el año 1506 cuando comenzó a formarse un humilde poblado de pescadores llamado Puerto de la Orotava.

Vistas del Muelle
En el siglo XVII se encontraba el primer núcleo, que comprendía desde el Castillo San Felipe y la batería de Santa Bárbara, ampliándose hasta Martiánez. Por este entonces se empezó a señalizar sitios, fabricar una Iglesia con su plaza, empezando a fortificarse todo en 1604 debido a los ataques de piratas y corsarios que eran frecuentes.

Debido al incremento de la población en la zona, en 1648 el Rey Felipe IV dictó una Real Cédula en la que  se daba la emancipación al Puerto de la Orotava, pero no entro en vigor hasta 1651, y fue finalmente en 1808 cuando la zona logro la independencia.

La destrucción del puerto de Garachico en 1706, convirtió al Puerto de la Cruz en el principal puerto de la Isla, abriéndose en ese momento la época más importante de la historia de la Ciudad, desde los puntos de vista económico, social y cultural. La zona que primero se dedicó a la caña de azúcar, luego desarrolló el cultivo del vino.

Fue a finales del siglo XIX cuando visitaron el Puerto los primeros "excursionistas". Desde Gran Bretaña, llegaban a la isla a bordo de los barco a vapor de las compañías fruteras. Fue en ese entonces cuando “se descubrió” la benignidad del clima primaveral y la belleza del paisaje, convirtiéndose en las dos razones principales que recompensaban la larga travesía atlántica. En este momento se desarrolla la presencia de científicos (quienes estudiaban la geografía de la isla), médicos (que estudiaban la benignidad del tiempo, para posibles curas como la tuberculosis)  y viajeros acaudalados. Muchos cruceros de lujo, de paso hacia otras zonas, solían hacer cortas excursiones en la isla, por lo que la ciudad fue sentando las bases de lo que a la postre se convertiría en su motor y medio de subsistencia.

Su situación estratégica y clima agradable, atrajo a comerciantes de varias nacionalidades que terminaron asentándose y convirtiéndose en la clase burguesa dominante.


En toda Europa se extendió una especie de propaganda sanitaria, a través de multitud de artículos en prensa, guías y folletos (por lo antes mencionado). Las importantes compañías fruteras que operaban en Canarias sirvieron de líneas turísticas. Las navieras empezaron a participar en el negocio turístico, eran los llamados cruceros turístico-fruteros. Las agencias consignatarias, conscientes de la importancia del incipiente movimiento turístico, se esforzaron también en promocionar Tenerife. Durante este siglo XIX, comenzó la decadencia de Puerto de la Cruz como centro comercial, arrastrado por las crisis de la exportación del vino y, más tarde, de la cochinilla y por el desarrollo del puerto de Santa Cruz, con mejores condiciones naturales.

En la isla se advirtió también que las visitas periódicas de gentes del extranjero, podían ser una importante fuente de ingresos, debido a la crisis económica que se estaba viviendo por la decadencia de los cultivos hasta la fecha. El clima privilegiado y la belleza paisajística eran un fuerte reclamo. La presencia británica, sobre todo, fue decisiva para el arranque definitivo de la industria turística en Puerto de la Cruz y el Valle de La Orotava.

Hotel Marqueza, uno de los primeros hoteles de la isla

Inmuebles a Visitar

Aunque haya desparecido el esplendor de los primeros años, cuando vieron los primeros visitantes, todavía es y debe ser paso obligatorio para comprender la evolución de la población, el porque pasaron de ser agricultores a trabajar en el sector turístico. Por ello vamos a nombrar algunos de los inmuebles más bonitos de esta zona.

Muelle Pesquero: el actual muelle pesquero no permite vislumbrar el dinamismo y la importancia que tuvo en el pasado, no sólo para la ciudad sino para la vida económica de toda la isla. Y es que el origen y desarrollo de Puerto de la Cruz ha estado vinculado de forma casi exclusiva hasta bien entrado el siglo XIX a la actividad portuaria.

 Muelle Pesquero, con la Casa de la Aduana al fondo (actual museo e información turística)

Museo Arqueológico: este museo data de 1953. Sus fondos incluyen una colección muy interesante de cerámica aborigen, restos momificados guanches, cartografía del siglo XVII, etc. En su exposición permanente, “La Cerámica Guanche”, se  recrean aspectos de la vida cotidiana, de la magia y de la muerte en el pueblo guanche.

Museo Arqueológico

Castilllo San Felipe: declarado monumento el de 22 de abril de 1949. Se encuentra emplazado en la desembocadura del barranco del mismo nombre. Su construcción data del siglo XVII. La estructura tiene forma poligonal, a la que se accedía por un puente de madera y otro levadizo ubicado sobre un foso. La segunda planta se utilizaba como alojamiento para la guarnición. Actualmente es un recinto cultural.

Castillo San Felipe

Plaza del Charco: es el punto central de la ciudad, un espacio abierto, donde la vegetación está formada por paraguas de los laureles de Indias que en 1852 fueron traídos de Cuba. El nombre se debe a que es un lugar que se inunda fácilmente cuando llegan las lluvias, encontrándose a escasos metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar.

Plaza del Charco

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia: esta declarada como monumento desde el 12 de mayo de 2003. La ermita y la plaza fueron ampliadas a lo largo de la historia. La fachada es de una iglesia mudéjar, que se reformó en el siglo XIX. La planta de la Iglesia es rectangular, con naves separadas por columnas de orden toscano y arcos de medio punto. Poseyendo un rico artesonado mudéjar, decorado con lacería y rombos. Entre los bienes muebles que posee destacan el retablo mayor de 1710 y ha sido reformado en varias ocasiones. En el nicho central encontramos la imagen de la titular del templo, de origen genovés y que data de principios del siglo XVII.

Iglesia Nuestra Señora la Peña de Francia
Ladera de Martianez: declarado zona arqueológica en 2007. Es una ladera formada por apilamiento de sucesivas coladas basálticas, mientras que la  base la fue socavando el océano. Este lugar posee una vegetación termófila, aunque ya degradada debido a las diferentes acciones en la zona. La protección se debe a al encontrarse restos arqueológico como punzones, cráneos, etc, en las cuevas naturales. Hoy en día es dificil vislumbrar de forma completa la ladera, debido a todas las construcciones que se encuentran en frente de ella, pero aún así, es un ladera de gran belleza natural, sólo hay que fijarse.

Ladera de Martiánez
Ermita de San Telmo: declarada monumento en el 2000. Fue fundada en 1780, por los hombres del mar. El edificio es de planta rectangular con cubierta de teja árabe a dos aguas, y muros de mampuesto y barro. las dos puertas que posee son de cantería basáltica, de arcos de medio punto sostenida por pilastras sencillas. el retablo es del siglo XVIII de madera policromada, mientras que la imágen de San Telmo es de madera y donada en 1783. Fue restaurada en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.

Ermita San Telmo
Lago Martianez: fue declarado jardín histórico en 2005. Es un lago artificial que se encuentra en la costa de Martiánez, realizado por el escultor lanzaroteño Cesár Manrique. Posee varias piscinas, tanto adultos como para niños, y vegetación alrededor de todo el complejo. Se realizó de manera que estuviera unido a la naturaleza, es decir, un complejo enclavado en la naturaleza y que parezca natural.

Lago Martiánez
Otro de los bienes a visitar en la zona son La Casa Amarilla, Los Hornos de Cal, Jardín de Aclimatación, Lago de la Costa Martianéz, el Peñón, el Sitio litre, etc. 

Es uno de los municipios más llano de la isla, pudiendo recorrerlo en su totalidad a pie. A lo largo de estos inmuebles vemos construcciones de los años 60 hacia delante, pero todavía posee algunas calles adoquinadas y con inmuebles de tipología canaria. La zona también posee una gran variedad de ocio, como restaurantes, discotecas, playas, actividades, etc.

Ermita San Juan Bautista

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Casco de Garachico

Municipality: Garachico


Pieces of land were partitioned between assistants in the conquest. This zone suffers the distribution of lands and waters at the beginning of the 16th century. A rich Genoveses colony was established (Genoveses are people who live in Genovés, a municipality from Valency), apart from Castilians, Andalusians, Extremaduran, etc.

The zone was developed across the agriculture, such as cereal, wheat and vineyards. the plantations were deistributed among the municipality. The natural port was important for this development which serverd as a principal door to the traffic of trade with Europe, America and Africa. During the XVI and XVII century many products were exported, the most important was the wine, called Malvasía (a type of white wine, and in many cases red wine)

Garachico´s Port

But this economic growth was deteriorated with the years. Some of the causes were the alluvium of 1645, fires and epidemics. Nevertheless the worst cause was the volcanic eruption in 1706, due to El Volcán Trevejo o Arenas Negras (both are volcanos). As a result the port was destroyed and it was gained some meters to the sea. After this event the population was dedicated to the agriculture and fishing, so some population emigrated to different zones of America. However, there have been years of economic growth and some population have returned.

We are meeting one of the hulks best preserved on the island. Enjoying the Canary architecture, and a town which has grown around La Iglesia de Santa Ana (Santa Ana´s Church). Thanks to this conservation, the old town has gained different, as La Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes (The Golden medal for Merit in the Fine arts) and in 1980 it was declared Bien de Interés Conjunto Artístico (the law preserves a city which has been historically important) in 1994. 

Representative Buildings

Although there are many properties in this area, we only mention some of them.

Puerta de Tierra: it was built in the 16th century and the goods were entered and exited from this door. It is at sea level, therefore  it is significant as the town grew after the eruption, gaining meters sea. It is a place  where there are a Lagar (an instrument to make wine) and some sculptures. 

Puerta de Tierra

Monumento del Vino: (wine monument), it is a sculpture realized in marble located in the entry to the villa. It is a memorial that represents the fight against the laws imposed by the English merchants. It happened in the XVIII century and the farmers spilled the wine in protest.


Ermita San Roque: (San Roque´s hermitage), it is a construction realized by neighbors at the beginning of the 17th century, due to the plague that was extended in the zone. It has suffered some reforms, one of them in 1812 where the ship was extended.

Ex-convento San Francisco: (San Francisco former convent) it started in 1524. It is a double plant building, with two cloisters which were constructed with tea wood (tea is a type of wood belonging to Pinus Canariensis). The library is located in that building.

La casa del Marqués de la Quinta Roja: (Marques de la Quinta Roja´s Hause) it was built at the ends of the 16th century, being rebuilt in the 17th century. It is one of the buildings that was not devastated by the eruption, but a fire destroyed part of the same. Nowadays it is a hotel.

Casa del Marqués de la Quinta Roja

Castillo San Miguel:  (San Miguel´s castle) it is a protected monument from 22nd of April 1949. Its was constructed as a fort due to the fact that it was necessary to safeguard the port. Its construction began in 1575, however it was slowly due to the lack of manpower. It also is one of the building that was not destroyed by the eruption. It is possible to visit its interior, as it is a museum.

Castillo San Miguel

Molino de Agua: (water mill) it is the only vestige of a group of mills that were in the zone and disappeared along the 19th century. Near here there were an hermitage and the rest of  the mills that were devastated by the eruption 1706. Nowadays it is possible to visit the interior due to the fact that is a museum where it is possible to see its functioning. 

Molino de Agua

Parroquia de Santa Ana: (Santa Ana´s church) it was constructed in 1520, having to be reformed after the eruption in 1706. Nowadays the foundations and the exterior walls are the original.

Parroquia de Santa Ana
Convento Concepcionista Franciscano: (Concepcionista Franciscano convent) it was the second feminine convent of Garachico. Noawadays this convent and one in La Laguna are the only in functioning. It was constructed in 1590, having suffered several reforms. From the exterior it is possible to see El Ajimez ( it is a wood  window with decoration. This kind of architecture is from Arab countries, which were made during the Middle Ages in the south of Spain. It appeared on the island due to colonial)  

Convento Concepcionista

The buildings were constructed with material of the zone, like rocks, clay, etc. The Canary houses are comprised of several artistic styles, but the building had to adapt to the climate, orography and to the constructive materials that they were arranging in the island. For that reason, we find different houses as we are in urban or rural zones. Having the first more adornments like late elements of the Baroque and the Renaissance, and Mudejar elements (we mentioned before Ajimez, which is made in that style). It also is found in civil and religious buildings. The second constructions, are houses according to the need of the moment, rooms being extended if it was necessary.

Though we have not mentioned all the building, it is necessary to say that it is a  great geographical enclave, where it is possible to walk almost to the same level of the sea. Not all the buildings are visited but seeing the fronts and the streets we know the history of the place. In the zone there are natural swimming pools, a new port, etc.


domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Barranco Ruiz

Municipality: San Juan de la Rambla-LosRealejos
Aproximate Time: 3 Hours
Maximun Height: 635 meters
Minimum Height: 119 meters
Distance: 10,1 Km

Area Information

Barranco Ruiz is a depression in the area, which is used as a natural limit between the municipalities of  Los Realejos and  San Juan de la Rambla. That is a ravine.

Barranco Ruiz

It is a protected area. On the one hand, it has been protected as a Bien de Interés Cultural (It is a law that protect buildings and objects that have been important in the history of a town such as, an archaeological, scientific or historical place, etc ...). In that case,  the protected area are San Juan cliffs and the hillsides of Barranco Chaurera and Ruiz. Due to the fact that it was found caves where it was appeared human and animal reamins. As a result it is an archaeological area.

On the other hand it is protected as a Site of Scientific Interest. It protects the wildlife and the orography of the zone. The area has successive lava streams, apart from having vegetation that has disappeared in the island.

The original vegetation of the zone has changed, due to the climate and the human intervention who used this area for different plantations. The vegetation is ascending, as a consequence, at the foot of  the ravine there are a representations of Bosque Termófilo (is a common plant formation in the Canary Island) and the formations of Tabaibal-Cardonal (mixed plant formation located in the lowland and coast area of the Canaries). Along the ascension of the ravine it is also found examples of Pinar (Pinus Canariensis), and examples of Laurisilva (it is a type of tropical forest, typical in humid and warm places) 

Speaking about the fauna, the most common animals are birds. Between them it is possible to mention El Cernícalo Vulgar (Falco tinnunculus) or Buho Chico (Asio Otus).

Finally it is necessary to emphasize that there are some traditional Canary house which are located around the path. At the beginning of the path, there is a mill which has been declared as Bien de Interés Cultural.

El Molino saw from the street

Description of the path.


The drop of the path

The path begins close to the road TF-5, in the place where is a recreational area (there are tables, grills, etc). There exist a stairs that go directly from the recreational area to the way,  known like Camino de las Pecas (a place where it was plantted different cacti, so in English it could be Cacti Way). In the recreational area is possible to leave the cars and there is also a bus stop, line 363 (from El Puerto de la Cruz).

The path is across the hillside of the ravine. A few feet from the beginning there is a junction which goes to the emplacement of the Mill.

Following the ascension for the hillside, it goes to a point of rest, a small square, Pedro Domínguez's square, wherefrom it is possible to see La Isla Baja (from Garachico to Buenavista is called Isla Baja). In that same site there are some houses. To continue, it is necessary to go cross the road, and follow the sign that indicates Barranco Ruz. This part connects both hillsides, and it passes through a forest. At the end of that part, we are situated in the other hillside of the ravine. Coming to this part, we are in the neighborhood of Icod el Alto.

Isla Baja

From the natural point of view, there are different caves and it is possible to see the different vegetation mentioned before. On the other hand, we  find the irrigated region, the water channels to supply the area and some traditional Canary houses.

It is necessary to bear in mind, that the path has not signs, the only visible signs are at the beginning and at the end. It is possible to do the path of many ways, descending, ascending or to do both directions. In that case we have started from the recreation park, finish in Icod el Alto, and  decided to descend again to go to the beginning point, before doing a stop in Icod el Alto and eating something to contribute to the local economy. 

El Teide saw from the end of the path