miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Corral del Niño- Mal Abrigo-Montaña Limón

Municiality: La Orotava
Aproximate duration: 1:45 (go)
Maximun height: 2.288m (aprox)
Minimun height: 2.099m (aprox)
Distance:  6,5km (aprox)

Area Information

The vegetation in this zone is characterized for having enough brooms (Spartocytisus supranubius). In this case it is better to see the photos and to enjoy.

Vegetation and views


Description of the path 

The drop of the path

The path of Corral del Niño is the number 21 of the National Park of the Teide. We initiate it in the road TF-24, a few meters before coming to Izaña's observatory (if we go from La Orotava).

It is a path that begins in the Corral del Niño (there is a viewing-point for what it is possible to leave the car) and ends in Montaña Limón (Mountain Lemon). This is another path that we see the sign on the way and it lasts approximately 30 minutes gone, passing for Mal Abrigo.



The same one does not have a loss, since it passes across a forest track. It  is advisable to do it in spring, during May, since it is beautiful to see the contrast of colors with the bloomed brooms and in the clear day it is possible to see the north zone of the island ( Valley of La Orotava) and even the island of  La Palma. On the other hand, during this epoch in the zone there are poultry accessions (for what can see some zone for the one that prohibits to pass), so care with the bees.


During the path


In this case we initiate the path and finish it in the same zone, we turned for the same tour that of going.

In the zone, we find several volcanic groups towards the north of the island.

It is necessary to remember that we are in high mountain, the shade is scanty for what always solar protection and it waters down.


