viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Guajara´s Path

Municipality: La Orotava
Aproximate time: 2:00 (one-.way)
Maximun Height: 2.293m (aprox)
Minimun Height: 2.151m  (aprox)
Distance: 3,8 Km (aprox)

Area Information

We are before the highest point of the island, after the Teide and if we do not count Pico Vijo, which in this case Guajara would be the highest third point. 

The name of the mountain is due to the princess Guajara, who after losing her loved one in Aguere's battle (during the conquest) came to this point of the island to throw, taking the mountain her name. This personage appears in one of Antonio de Viana's works, and historians think that the history is the opposite; that he took the name of the mountain to write the novel.


In geological terms, we find many lava of type AA, for what it helps to have a good footwear.

In the high of Guajara we find the remains of one former cabin of 1856 when the astronomer Charles Piazzi established himself in the high of the mountain for the accomplishment of astronomic studies. In the 20th century also it was in this zone Jean Mascart to observe the comet Halley that remaining astonished by the climatic conditions of the zone. He proposed the creation of a permanent international observatory in Guajara.


Description of the Path 

The drop of the path

It is necessary to clarify that in this tour we take part of the Siete Cañadas, number 4, going out from the Parador. Then in the crossing we take the number 5, Degollada de Guajara, place for which we ascend and on having finished the ascension we take the section that Alto de Guajara, path number 15.

The time that is put, 4.30 hr (one way),it is an approximate time; because we have to add the section that we cross Siete Cañada, more 1h that we ascend more 1.45h, that we cross the final section. 

And then it is necessary to do the way of return, which in this case we return for the same site of raise (we made it in this way). 

Alto de Guajara

We begin the path leaving the vehicles in El Parador. Of there we take the path of  Siete Cañadas, until we come to the crossing that indicates path to us 5. In this section we find also the crossing with the path 16, Sanatorium (to a few meters).

The first part  is relatively flat, since the tour passes for Siete Cañadas, broad enough path and with few elevation. Having come to the crossing, which is not the first one of this path. The first crossing  going out from El Parador is the number 31 Cumbres de Ucanca.

En la degollada de Guajara the ascension is continued, since we are rising for the walls of the Caldera (great depresion) and come to the dorsal one, taking the path 15.

From Guajara
Once finished this section, we cross for the dorsal one, being able to see the south zone of the island and not being able to see the Teide. On having finished the same one we continue up to the last ascension, already coming to the high part. From here we can see the south of the island, the island of La Gomera, Gran Canaria and La Palma (in the disclosed days and without calima* it is possible to see El Hierro too) and the Teide in all its majesty, with Las Cañadas to the feet.

The Teide´s shade and La Gomera
To descend, the same way is crossed, or it is possible to initiate the decrease for La Degollada.

We realize the path  to see the dawn from Guajara, being able to see the shade of the Teide in La Gomera. One of the most impressive images of this path is the final section of ascension to be able to see the giant Teide.

The cabin on the top of Guajara

*Existence of very small particles of powder or sand in suspension in the atmosphere