lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

Cerrillar- La Carnicería

Municiality: La Orotava
Aproximate duration: 1:40(go and return)
Maximun height: 2277m
Minimun height: 2212m
Distance: 2,3km (one way)

Area Information

The name of this path is due to 2 mountains: El Cerrillar y la Carniceria one. 

Among the vegetation of the area we find the brooms, elbow (Adenocarpusviscosus), Hierba Pajonera (Pterocephaluslasiospermum), etc.


Description of the path

The drop of the path

We started this trail on TF-24 La Esperanza. On the right hand  (if we go towards the Observatory) or on the left one (if we go to El Portillo) we see a fence between some stone walls and some gap to leave the car.

Just to the left of the fence, we see the path on foot. After about 5-7 minutes walking along the track, we find the signs that tell us if we take for Arenas Negras (side, we are going to) or for the Guajara slit, trails towards the one we are going.

The path, which is linear, is formed on the ground and each certain point we see the sign that we are on track 37. There are areas that can lead to confusion, but we see how it has been made a way between the brooms (unfortunately, many of them dry).
The path has a low level of intensity, and almost all the way is in plain, only the last part before the connection with Arenas Negras, has a small ascent, but nothing complicated.

We finish the path when we come to connect with the one of Arenas Negras. One option is to make the circle of Arenas Negras and go back to the one of Cerrillar, or as it is this case, we went back to the car by the same path.

At all times, except for the last stretch, we see the Teide and of the observatory; and sometimes we can see La Palma above La Fortaleza.

Walking here , it is possible to go from Portillo to Izaña without having to take the road.


We’re on the high mountain and the shadow is scarce. On an ideal trail to perform between the months of May-June with the flowering of the broom, but watch out for the bees.

Path and views