miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Path of Fasnia Volcano

Municipality: Fasnia
Aprosimate time: 3:00
Maximun Height: 2338m (aprox)
Minimun Height: 2184m (aprox)
Distance (Km): 7,2Km (aprox)

Area Information

We are before Fasnia's volcano, an eruption fisural, it is called to this way to the eruptions where the magma is crossing a crack or fissure going out to the surface for different points of the same one
In this case, in this crack the lava went out to the surface in three points, giving place to; the Volcán Negro de Siete Fuentes (it entered eruption 1704, 13 days of duration); Volcán de Fasnia (eruption between January 5 and 13, 1705, 8 days of duration); and to Volcán de Arafo or Volcán de las Arenas (24 days of duration). The volcanic cones were formed in a line of 12 Km in the Dorsal de la Esperazan or Dorsal de  Pedro Gil.

This eruption took place between 1704-1705, as a consequence, we are before a historical eruption. This kind of eruption is called to the eruptions happened after the conquest having an index in writing of the same ones.

Fasnia Volcano
The vegetation of the this zone in the main composed by the brooms (Spartocytisus supranubius), which are used by the apiarists taking advantage of the flowering to obtain the honey of broom. Also, we can see, hierba pajonera (Descurainia Bourgeauana) and rosalillos de monte(Pterocephalus lasiospermus). The volcano is still of a recent eruption, being able to be verified to simple sight, since it does not possess settling of any vegetation.

As for the fauna we find cernícalos (Falco tinnunculus), bisbitas camineros (Anthus berthelotti), mosquiteros  (Phylloscopus collybita) and currrucas tomilleras (Sylvia conspicillata).

View to the Teide
The erosion, the run-off and the forts winds are the principal cast-makers of this volcano, compound cone of zahorra (a material similar to the arena) that has been becoming dilapidated. It is characterized by the black color and where they can appreciate the explosive materials thrown during the eruption, since it still has not oxidized.

Description of the path

The drop of the path
This time we are in the Pedro Gil's dorsal one, exactly next to the highest point, Izaña (it is here where we find the Observatory of the Teide). To come to this path we take the TF-24, the road of La Esperanza. We begin for a track right next to the TF-514 (road that takes us to the observatory).

This one is the path number 20 of the National Park of the Teide, for what we find with a put up signs and delimited path. Initials of the same one we find a cartel with the description of the path and also with a cartel where there has allowed the entry of certain types of vehicles (especially in epochs of hunt it is where more these vehicles are going to be seen).

In this case we go out from the viewing-point of the Corral del Niño, place where it was parked. Ways a few meters from the road (for ignorance if it had or not a small path that was connecting both parts) and we come to the attached track to Izaña.

Removing the part of the park, the path we begin it in Izaña's crossing. This first part of the path, we cross it for an almost level track (something of inclination has, but imperceptibly) until we come to the own volcano.There is a railing (sticks of wood) that delimits the zone during the whole tour, being able neither to turn aside from the path nor accede to the own volcano (the most logical thing, since it is zahorra and if not nowadays we might not see it). From this first part we have to the right hand the Teide and to the left hand the observatory.

After passing a few meters right in front of the volcano, we find the continuation of the path to the right hand, there is a barrier and stuck to the same sign of a path. In this section it is necessary to guide for the indicate since the delimiting of the own way is not so clear, and if it has rained (or snow-capped mountain) before less still, puddles are formed. There are seen small streets that the way of the water has opened, there have crawled the stones that were forming the way, etc.

Poster at the beginning
In this section, we go in direction again towards the road passing for Cañada las vacas y Montaña Abreu, having to the left hand the Teide, and to the right hand the observatory.

It is a circular path and also to remember that in the zone there are apical settlement during the epoch of flowering and is a zone of the hunt.
