Municipality: La Orotava
Maximun Height: 1201 m (aprox)
Minimun Height: 762 m (aprox)
Distance (Km): 12,8 Km (aprox)
Area Information
We are inside the Corona Forestal, in this case the division that belongs to the municipality of La Orotava. Since already we have been mentioned in other publications, La Corona Forestal was populated after one intense deforestation (since the principal species that composes it is the Pine, and of this one it is obtained the Tea that is a very resistant wood used for different types of constructions), nevertheless it is still possible to find autochthonous species from flora and fauna.
In case of the flora we find pines (Pinus Canariensis) or the trees of the Monteverde, which it is the composition of laurisilva and fayal-brezal. The fauna are related to this type of vegetation, it can be the pinzón azul (type of bird) (Fringilla teydea), but also other species that have been introduced as the muflón (it is similar to a goat).
In this one occasion we connect two points, La Caldera de la Orotava (that apart from being a recreative area, here it is well described the concept of Caldera (depression caused by the collapse of a magma chamber)). The same one, possesses different infrastructures, baths, swings, tables and chairs, etc, where it is possible to enjoy and have a good day.
Along the path we find hydraulic infrastructures, which had and they have an important paper in the zone. We find channels and the house of the water, which is a former building of stone, which has been restored, and which was in use for distributing water that was coming from the nearby galleries.
Inside the house |
And another point that we join is Pinolere. This one is a museum and an ethnographies park consisted of 3000 square meters and that place is between the mediocrities and high zone of the municipality. The zone is in a closed enclosure and inside we find an age, houses of straw, corrals and a garden, everything emulating the life of the habitants in the last centuries, related to the agriculture.
We begin the path in La Caldera, this one is the only Caldera of the island (out or rather removed from the own one of the Cañadas del Teide) due to the fact that it has a form of the crater. To come into this zone the entry is over the trouts (a place where they can see and buy trouts, was created as botanical garden, since here there were growing the plants that later would repopulate La Corona Forestal), in Aguamansa's population core, the road that leads to Las Cañadas del Teide to the north zone.
Since in other cases, we can go with our own vehicles being able to leave it in the surrounding areas of La Caldera, though the parking is not signed. Also we can use the public transport, taking the line 345 (that stop in La Caldera) or the line 348 (that's stop in Aguamansa, and it finishes in Las Cañadas del Teide) of titsa.
This one is a path that is put up signs, and for that also they connect other paths. Initially we walk along a forest track ( Already in other occasions we have named it, but the track is a broad zone not surfaced that passes across the mounts, for it thinks up a car perfectly, but made this one in order that those of environment happen, firemen, etc when it happens, is not a zone of free traffic). In this section it can be appreciated the different vegetation, and if the day is one cleared, it is possible to see some zones of the valley and also the hillside. This forest road, it crosses Pedro Gil's way (a walk that the people of the valley raise when it is travelled to Candelaria)
A place to rest |
Along this part, of La Corona, we see the organs (rock with a singular form, as organs), and also we find in some zones, a few casetitas where it is possible to rest and eats. A few meters from this place, we begin the ascension towards Pinolere. Also, that forgets me, we find the house of the water before mentioned.
The following part is in descent and we walk within of the mount and where every certain meters are the signs of path. In this part it is necessary to have care, due to the pinocho (it is dry pine neddles) that it is in the soil and the fall is of forecast. In this descent, we find a gallery, and almost in the final part it is necessary to cross a few meters of ravine. On having finished this section, we cross a road and continue for the tour that Pinolere says.
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Road to Pinolere |
The last part before coming to the park we cross it for a small path where we find to both sides private estates and houses. On having finished we give to a cement track, and finish in Pinoleres's recreative area (it is necessary to say that this part, after crossing the road, not this one very well put up signs, we follow the sign for the own made path).
After resting awhile in the zone of the park, it depends by day it can be opened, we initiate the march. To return we take the track that one finds to right hand of the park, taking for the parkings of the same one. We go for a surface road, the same road that we cross to come to the park. We take this road a few meters, never leaving it, and in the same one we find houses. In one of the curves of the road, we can continue for the surface or take a track with cement (that one finds in this curve), the two come to the same point.
We took the track, and on having finished we found the first sign of path that indicates the tour of return to us, this part is in ascent and we return to pass across the zone of mount. After finishing the ascension, we come rightly opposite the house of the water, so we initiate the way towards the boiler across the forest track.
In the middle of the path |